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Beyond Comfort Zones

Jan 29, 2025

40 Days of an Intentional and Specific Covenant with Consciousness
Documented by Brooke Ranvek

January 29th, 2025
Day 38- But who's counting?

Today is the Lunar New Year and a New Moon. I’m feeling super optimistic and excited about a new opportunity that has opened up. I don’t know if you remember my full card draw from the Moonology Oracle deck, but I still have yet to share my 10th and final card... THE FINAL OUTCOME.

Since I’m a little distracted by my timeline to-do list, and all that’s coming to me today is the message from this card, I’ve decided to reveal it now!

The 10th card is—drumroll—the last one in the book: North Node – STEP OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE. Now you can see why I’ve been waiting for this! And the email I received this morning? It’s exactly what I asked for.

This card tells me that I must step out of my comfort zone to begin fully living my life’s purpose. It says that when you choose this card, you need to get moving because your life is changing direction. It urges me to do something different, take action, and ask myself: Am I willing to follow through and begin living the life I incarnated to live?

Some key insights from this card:

  • I am headed in the right direction.
  • I am stepping into something that feels like destiny.
  • I need to face my fear and move through it.
  • It’s time to stop obsessing over someone or something.
  • I need to stand on my own two feet.
  • I’ve got this!

Funny, right? Just yesterday, I mentioned feeling the energy of “I got this.”

Now, I see, speak, and think in numbers—everything is a math equation. Words, phrases, meanings, and thoughts all hold numerical energy that carries a message.

So, let’s break this card down. My Life’s Purpose Gene Key is #19 (Shadow – Codependence, Gift – Sensitivity, Siddhi – Sacrifice). And this week? This Gene Key is in transit, meaning it’s in the ethers, influencing the consciousness of the collective—including me!

Since the Venus Sequence begins with life’s purpose, and I’m currently part of the Venus Sequence Retreat with thousands of others from around the world for six months, my whole voyage is rooted in this sphere—specifically, the sense of love and relationships. The Venus Retreat is all about unwinding the wounds we carry, wounds that formed while we were in the womb and continued developing in seven-year cycles.

Right now, I’m in the IQ sphere, which covers ages 15–21. That means I’ve been studying my teenage self. And as much as I resisted going back there again (this is my third time doing the Venus Sequence—trust me, it’s not for the faint of heart), I knew that resistance meant I had treasure to uncover. And that treasure? Gold.

So, I leaned in and said yes. And wow—it’s been so revealing. I’ve been able to see exactly when and where I started leaving my power behind.

At that time in my life, I prayed for a husband. And I found one. Since I was 16.5, I’ve been in a codependent relationship. But before that, I had something incredibly potent: sexual power.

The most powerful energy we could ever ask for.

I remember how effortlessly things came to me when I was stepping into that energy. But unfortunately, the machine has conditioned us to see sex as just one thing when, in reality, it is so much more than we’ve been led to believe.

This energy comes from the sacral, our center of creativity. And as I step into this next phase of my mission, I’m being guided by my sacral. What’s wild is realizing the power I once held—the ability to shape my reality—during the time when this energy was most alive in me.

Then comes love. A sacred contract between two souls who have been together in many lifetimes, in many iterations. A love that, from the first moment Levi and I met, felt like, “Oh, there you are.”

And then? Enter obsession.

We had a contract—to ascend the family lineage and restore it to how it should be. The fear of not following through on this sacred soul contract was intense, but we moved through it early in our relationship. Still, our contract was always together—an interdependent bond. But, having never been taught what true interdependence looks like, of course, we played out the story of codependency. Divine timing, divine lessons.

Now, I’m at a stage where my children have grown into the quality humans I was meant to guide them to be. I did my due diligence—I went against the status quo, choosing to be a housewife and a mother first. And yes, I was obsessed with business, but that mattered at the most crucial time in my kids' development. They saw me working, creating, and being, while still prioritizing my role as their mom and Levi’s wife.

But now?

Now, I feel the calling to step into my next level—not as the mother they need in the same way, but as the mother who leads them by embodying her highest self. It’s time for me to release my own co-dependence on them needing me in a certain way. Because, while they do need me, they need me to lead them from a new state of being.

I’ve sacrificed some of my gifts to prioritize them, and I know it’s time to step forward.

I’ll stop here for today, but I have so much more to say. Next, I’ll share about the message I received in my email—the one that speaks directly to this card.

I’ll leave you with this:
Oracle cards can be a powerful tool for communing with your highest self and receiving guidance. From yourself. For yourself. No one, and nothing, can guide you the way you can guide yourself.

And that?

That’s exactly what The Beauty Code Way teaches—you how to lead yourself from the deepest part of your being.

Bye for Now,

oxox Brooke Ranvek

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