Triggers Are Treasure
Jan 22, 2025
40 Days of an Intentional and Specific Covenant with Consciousness
Documented by Brooke Ranvek
January 23, 2025
This week, I’ve been having some crazy dreams. When they first started revealing themselves—waking me up in the middle of the night—I wanted them to stop. I even thought, Maybe I’m investing too much time in what’s going on in the world, especially politically.
But now, let me tell you how I feel about these dreams. Each night, I wake up feeling like I’m on trial, and certain names run through my mind—let’s just call them nominees for the next administration’s committee. It’s a different set of names every night. I wake up, repeating their names over and over, thinking, What the hell is going on?
I believe I know what’s happening, but honestly, it’s too far out there to put into words right now. It wouldn’t help anyone. After the third night, though, I started noticing how these “trials” connect with my everyday studies.
I’ve been blessed to see things others can’t—at least not yet. And you know what they say about blessings: they can also be curses. So, I surrendered to the bigger picture, trusting what I was being shown. Let me tell you, the rapid shift in my attitude this week has been mind-blowing.
Today, while driving to the sauna (and a few other times this week), I had a revelation: I will stop seeing you the way you want me to see you, and I will stop seeing you the way you never want to be seen.
As a projector (for those familiar with Human Design, we’re about 20% of the population), I’ve come to understand how my “vessel” interacts with the world. I can see, hear, and feel what you feel about yourself, what you want me to feel about you, and even the things you’ve buried so deeply you don’t want to acknowledge them yourself.
This isn’t psychic—ugh, I hate that word. This is real life energy work. It’s the kind of work we’ve been kept from because if we truly understood it, we wouldn’t need to be controlled. We’d reclaim our power.
What I’ve discovered is how this gift acts as a mirror for my own triggers and beliefs—the ones that don’t serve me. Where I get stuck is seeing people not as they see themselves, but as I know them to be in the eyes of God.
Recently, I’ve been exploring the difference between believing something and knowing it. If I truly see my “diamond self,” then I also have the potential to see your diamond self.
This takes me back to a time before I understood energy at this level. Back then, I naturally saw people as their highest selves, no matter how they perceived themselves. I was able to hold my perspective without adopting theirs.
But these last four years? They’ve been dark. Hellish. Absolute war—not just within humanity, but a deeply hidden spiritual war. The sheer self-loathing in the air has been suffocating, and at times, it made me lose hope that anyone would ever want to feel better about themselves or their lives.
Now, though, I’ve done the work. I’ve learned to discern between your thoughts and beliefs and my own. And while I can see the destruction that’s coming when the truth about agendas like human depopulation, the deep state, and Luciferian influences comes to light—it’s going to get worse before it gets better.
Let’s start with the vaccine. What did you do? Did you stand your ground, knowing it was a bioweapon? Or were you part of administering and advocating for it? And what about the kids who were given no real choice?
As someone who refused to be blindsided, I was persecuted, labeled a conspiracy theorist, and even blamed for COVID deaths. Can you believe that? The unvaccinated were blamed for people dying from COVID.
Regardless of where you stand, we’ve all experienced trauma from this biowarfare. I’ve always been anti-vaccine, especially after being pressured to get a flu shot or give one to my child. I trusted the love and intentions of providers, but never their textbooks. If this perspective triggers you—good. That’s not me. That’s you.
I’ve done the work, and I know my words will trigger people. But now, I understand that’s your perception—not mine. What I see when I trigger you is your diamond self calling out. Those triggers are gold mines erupting, asking you to look closer.
Triggers are where you find your treasure. And I would never want to keep you from your own gold. That’s why I’ll stay true to my mission. My role is to either trigger the emotions you’re mature enough to face—or to awaken your greatness, helping you remember there’s a deeper meaning and purpose to your life.
My dragon skin is thin, but with every step toward detachment from how I trigger others, it thickens. My heart opens wider, becoming an intense reservoir of energy—dedicated not to hate or war, but to LOVE.
I’m so grateful for our new leader and for leaders willing to represent strength and call out weakness for what it is. Weakness and fakeness serve no one. Feelings? Fuck ‘em. Love is all you need.
Bye for now,
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